Major ______ de Coverly

Major _____ de Coverly is the executive officer of the squadron. He is feared and respeced by all of the men including his superiors. None of the men want to ask him his first name because they are to afraid to do so. Major _____’s days are full of playing horsehoes and he also rents out apartments for soldiers when they visit cities.

Physical Traits: Major _____ de Coverly has a massive leonine head, an eye patch, and a ravaging beard that “Rages like a blizzard around his stern, patriarchal face.”

Further Analysis of Major ______ de Coverly: Major ______ de Coverly shows the lack of seriousness regarding rank within the military. Major ______ is treated with almost as much respect as his superiors. Heller is continuing to display the disorder within the military through showing how the generals get less respect than some of the majors.

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