
Snowden’s death is introduced early in the novel, however it is not until the end that the gruesome details are revealed. Snowden was a young gunner who was killed during one of Yossarian’s missions. Snowden dies in Yossarian’s arms, repeating “I’m cold, I’m cold” over and over again. Yossarian opens his flack jacket to reveal Snowden’s guts which spill out over Yossarian who notices the tomatoes Snowden ate for lunch.

Physical Description: We don’t know much about Snowden’s physical appearance other than he was a relatively young man.

Further Analysis of Snowden: Snowden’s death displays the cruelty of war and the affects it brings not only on those who die but those who survive. Snowden dies in one of the most gruesome ways imaginable; his guts spill out and he dies very slowly in the back of a bombing plane. Yossarian who was with Snowden and who received Snowen’s guts all over him, is affected by Snowden’s death throughout the novel. He is haunted by Snowden’s death throughout the novel and Snowden’s death most likely attributed to the many seemingly irrational actions Yossarian takes throughout the novel. Heller is showing clearly through Snowden’s death and the affects it has on Yossarian the cruelty of war, a statement made even more serious through the rest of the novel’s comedic mood.

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