Nately’s Whore

Nately’s Whore is indifferent towards Nately at the start “relationship” and then after Nately and Yossarian save her she falls in love with him. After Nately’s death Nately’s whore retaliates towards Yossarian, who she never liked. She attempts to kill him twice and succeeds in putting him into the hospital the first time.

Physical Traits: Nately’s whore is described as beautiful and naked throughout the novel.

Further Analysis of Nately’s Whore: The breakdown of Nately’s whore displays how war affects loved ones on the home front. Nately’s whore completely breaks down and looks for someone to blame, eventually landing on Yossarian. Here Heller displays how war causes the complete and utter breakdown of relationships and families, which leads to a hatred of the military and the government.

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